Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Prepper Book Festival 8: Game Changer by Chris Bostic + Giveaway

Game Changer by Chris Bostic - Backdoor Survival

Today I share the next author interview and book giveaway in the Backdoor Survival Prepper Book Festival 8.  Chris Bostic, the author of Game Changer, is back for an encore interview and shares his answers to some new questions.  He is also providing one reader with a free copy of his book. Not only that, the winner can choose either a print book or an eBook.

Some of you may recall his previous two books, Fugitives from Northwoods and Rebellion in Northwoods.  This newest book, Game Changer, is an adventure book that starts with a storm and ends in one calamity after another. Who out there has not had something start out as a minor inconvenience and go south from there?  I am certain that we all have been there and done that!

Game Changer by Chris Bostic - Backdoor Survival

In case you have not noticed, with each successful interview, our book festival authors are presented with increasing in depth questions.  This one is no different.  Enjoy the interview then be sure to check in below to learn about the giveaway.

An Interview with Chris Bostic, Author of Game Changer

One question on everyone’s mind is what they would do if a disaster or even a collapse occurred in their own back yard. If that happened to you, would you bug-in or bug-out and why.

I would bug out. I’m in a pretty dense suburban environment without a big stockpile of my own supplies.

My safe place is in the country a couple hours outside of the city (assuming I can get there, fingers crossed). Our cabin is well-stocked with firewood and other essentials, and I feel like it would have to be a lot safer in a remote, much less populated area.

If you did decide to hunker down and bug-in, what items would you include for comfort? Or would you?

Comfort to me would be something fairly limited. Assuming the power is out, that knocks out pretty much all of the addictive electronic devices. So I see myself outdoors a lot: gardening, hiking, exploring, hunting and fishing.

Since I have the supplies pretty much in place at the cabin to do all that, I suppose comfort would come in the form of a few special treats/candy and forms of entertainment like lanterns, playing cards, books…

Home defense and protection from the bad guys is a big deal. That said, not everyone is prepared or even qualified to use firearms. What do you recommend in that case?

I would urge training in the use of firearms now, before SHTF. But given the constraints, a measure of home defense could be done with Tasers, pepper spray, baseball bats, samurai swords. Maybe self-defense classes?

I’ve never really thought of the unarmed. I’ve spent a lot more time debating the merits of shotgun versus pistol, followed by calibers, hiding places.

These days, it seems as though a new book about survival or preparedness is released daily. How is your book different from the others and why should we read it?

Great question. There certainly are a number of survival books out there. I would have to say that mine is more than just a survival story.

Beside the gripping run for your life, edge of your seat tension, it’s a novel-length story about group dynamics, independence vs. interdependence, and all with a little hint of romance. There’s something for everyone. And like all my other books, though it is technically young adult, I’ve found a bigger audience with adults than with their teen children. Adventure stories are timeless, and without upper age limits.

How’s this for a teaser? I like to think of Game Changer as a bit like Deliverance…for teens. Definitely PG, not even PG-13.

What is your favorite survival, disaster, or post-apocalyptic film or TV show?

I’m going back a long way with these, but a couple of my favorite survival/disaster films would have to be The Poseidon Adventure and The Great Escape. Those types of escape stories are the ones that really get me lost in an adventure world and have in at least some small way served to influence my writing.

It is said that everyone has a book inside them. What advice do you have for the budding author?

Think persistence and realism in equal doses. Writing a book is no easy feat, though I find it gets easier with practice. I’ve gone from writing a first draft in six months to six weeks or less.

But there’s another type of persistence needed too. It’s a tough business to break into successfully in that the market is oversaturated. So understand that success will likely amount to simply finishing a book, or hopefully pleasing a dedicated core of fans rather than tens of thousands.

The reality is that writing will be no more than a hobby for 99.99% of those that try it. Maybe even a few more decimal places.

Also, be willing to take criticism and grow from it. I’m thankful to have never had my work brutally criticized, but even a small critique needs to be brought onboard with an open mind. Stop and think. Step away from your work for a while. Always seek out reviews, and grow from them. No one’s first draft is perfect. Not even their third or fourth, sometimes. So don’t give up. If it’s meant to be, you’ll find a way—as long as you work at it.

The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The deadline is 6:00 PM Pacific next Tuesday with the winner notified by email and announced on the Rafflecopter in the article.  Please note that the winner must claim their book within 48 hours or an alternate will be selected.

The Final Word

Having boated in the waters of Puget Sound for over 20 years, any book that describes a disaster or pending disaster in a water based environment captures my imagination.  The opening pages of Game Changer did just that.  You just can not imagine what can go wrong while fighting with Mother Nature.

Wait, yes you can.  As a prepper-type, you know about such things!

It is my belief that you will enjoy Chris’s latest book.  Be sure to enter the giveaway to win a copy of your own for free!

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

If you enjoyed this article, consider voting for Backdoor Survival daily at Top Prepper Websites!  In addition, SUBSCRIBE to email updates  and receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.

Spotlight:  Game Changer by Chris Bostic

A float trip takes a dangerous turn for the worse, as six teenagers are stranded in the wilderness of the southern Missouri Ozarks.  At the end of summer, six teens set off on a last adventure before high school resumes. Shortly into the rural Missouri float trip, the group is tested by a number of obstacles, both natural and manmade.

Game Changer by Chris Bostic - Backdoor Survival

When a friend is unexpectedly incapacitated, an unlikely pair sets off on their own to find help. The challenges compound at a breakneck pace, and the difficulties they stumble across along the way test them to their limits.  Will Tom bring back help in time to save his best friend?

Bargain Bin:  For your convenience, here is a list of all of the books in the current Backdoor Survival Prepper Book Festival as well as a link to the books mentioned by today’s author.

Prepper Book Festival 8 – Non-Fiction

Tools for Survival: What You Need to Survive When You’re on Your Own
The Organic Canner
The NEW 2000-Hour Flashlight
The Garden Pool – Feed Your Family From Your Backyard Ecosystem
Survival Savvy Family: How to Be Your Best During the Absolute Worst
Doctor Prepper’s Making the Best of Basics Family Preparedness Handbook – Version 12.5
The Prepper’s Financial Guide
Practical Prepping: No Apocalypse Required: An Everyday Approach to Disaster Preparedness

Prepper Book Festival 8 – Fiction

After the Crumble (Volume 1)
A Time to Endure (Strengthen What Remains)
Aftermath: A Story of Survival
Resurrecting Home: A Novel (The Survivalist Series)
Game Changer

Plus: The Preppers Guide to Food Storage

No list of books would be complete without my own book, The Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage.  The eBook is only 99 cent plus the print version is available for less than $6.00.


Shop the Emergency Essentials Monthly Specials

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Prepper Book Festival 8: Game Changer by Chris Bostic + Giveaway by Gaye Levy first appeared on Backdoor Survival.

from Prepper Daily News
via Daily Prepper News

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