Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Maine To Remove Hunting Age Limit

Currently in Maine, children younger than 10 can’t go hunting.  But in just a few months that will change.  Governor Paul LePage recently signed a law allowing children of any age to hunt with adult supervision.  The law will take effect in 2016.

This is good news for preppers and survivalists in Maine.  Many of us strive to teach our kids survival skills like hunting.  It teaches them discipline and an appreciation for where our food comes from.  And, when SHTF, it could just keep them alive.

Maine joins 39 other states that allow kids of any age to hunt with adult supervision. Hilliard’s bill won strong support from the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee and sailed through the House of Representatives without debate, but got hung up in the Senate where the some members had concerns about the bill.

To reassure Senators, Senator Paul Davis, the Senate chair of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, proposed an amendment stating plainly that the junior hunter under the age 10 must be “under the effective control, within 20 feet, of an adult supervisor.” With an extra push, and the adoption of that amendment, the bill won the support of Senators by a vote of 26 to 6. The House agreed to the amendment and sent the bill on to the Governor, who signed it yesterday.

Do you take your children hunting?  Let us know in the comments.

Maine To Remove Hunting Age Limit

from Prepper Daily News http://ift.tt/1KpewJb
via Daily Prepper News

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