Friday, 26 June 2015

Alternative Weapons | How to Defend Yourself Without A Gun

your ultimate guide to alternative weapons

We survivalists love our guns and are rarely without them, especially when danger is near. But like it or not there may come a time when you will be without it, whether because of oppressive government or simply running out of ammo. What would you do in this situation? Alternative weapons might be the answer.

In a survival situation, self-defense is very important. When SHTF, law and order is thrown out the window. It will be chaotic beyond imagination. Resources will run out and there will be a big number of people desperate to obtain the things they need. The only way for them to survive is to take what you have. It would not matter to them if they have to break into your home and steal what they need. In the process, you and your loved ones could get hurt.

Alternative Weapons: How to Defend Yourself Without A Gun

The problem is if the EOTW comes at a time when the government would not allow you to have any gun at home. You have to find other ways to defend yourself, your family, as well as your property. In a lawless land, you are going to need self-defense weapons. No prepper wants to be in a life and death situation. Apart from having alternative weapons, you should also have the skills required to use those weapons effectively.

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Survival Defense When Guns Are Not Allowed

In the time before a major crisis occurs, private ownership or use of firearms, bows and arrows, and crossbows may be illegal and banned. As the situation gets worse, the government will impose martial law and confiscate weapons no matter how well you may think they are hidden.

Here are a few weapons that may be overlooked and that can be used to protect your family and loved ones.

Edged Weapons

Edged weapons are the oldest implements used by man. Then, as now, you can make knives and other edged weapons from flint, obsidian, bronze, arsenic copper-bronze, tin-bronze, iron. Today, there are three kinds of steel that you may be interested in:

Damascus steel – originated in India about the 5th century BC. The steel was heated to red hot, hammered, folded, and then quickly cooled in water. This process was repeated at least 500 times. This produced a better weapons grade steel.

Carbon steel – will rust if exposed to air and moisture. The rust if heavy will flake off causing the steel to weaken and break.

Stainless steel is an alloy with a minimum of 10% chromium by mass. Stainless steel does not rust or stain by water as ordinary steel does. When heated the chromium becomes chromium oxide that acts to form an air and water tight film that seals off the metal. This steel comes in many grades and finishes.

The following edged tools and weapons can be used as a substitute for firearms for protection. All of them can be dipped in poison so that even a single glancing blow can be a lethal one.

Farm Tools: Any of the metal farming or gardening tools can be used as weapons to protect yourself or the family. The spade, rake, pitchfork, pick, sickle, hand hoe, and garden claw all make excellent choices for either offensive or defensive weapons.

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Your greatest weapon during those times is your mind. As early as now, you have to learn how to analyze crisis situations and make the best decisions as quickly as possible. The goal is to be one step ahead of the enemy. If you are able to outsmart the enemy, then consider that enemy defeated. The key is to keep your presence of mind. Take control of your emotions to avoid panicking. When you keep your cool, the situation is easier to assess and control.

It is essential to come out with a home- and self-defense strategy before a survival situation even occurs. Start a discussion with your family to think of all possible crisis situations and choose the best way to handle them. Practice the strategy so that you will all be ready when it happens.

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Alternative Weapons | How to Defend Yourself Without A Gun

from Prepper Daily News
via Daily Prepper News

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