Thursday, 28 May 2015

You Are the Eyes and Ears: A Guide For Gathering Information And Reporting Jade Helm Activity

Jeremiah Johnson is a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne) and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape). You can contact JJ by using this form.


This piece is a request to all who have eyes and ears to report on potential Jade Helm military activity (Active Duty and National Guard Units) in their home states.  Let’s start compiling data and sharing it across the board.  Let’s be proactive and see if we can paint a “big picture,” so to speak.  Any comments with descriptions, photos, or films would be great for starters.

We’re getting a lot accomplished with the comments section regarding information exchange.  You guys and gals are the best.  Seriously, there is so much in these comments; it’s akin to a gold mine of profound ideas and deep analysis.  Let’s see what we can do here to make this article’s comments almost akin to a “bulletin board” with everything open for all of us to print and review.

As I mentioned in a previous article, Dave Hodges Common Sense Show has been covering Jade Helm relentlessly and to a depth that is astounding.  I have plenty of respect for such a man who repeatedly risks life and liberty to give good accurate reports to the readers.  He just posted one on 5/21, entitled, Jade Helm is Preparing to Unleash False Flag Attacks.  Apparently the operational timetable has been bumped up: the operation was originally scheduled to begin 7/15/15, and now it will commence 6/15/15, a month earlier.

Dave’s report covered logistics bases and military operations in California and Colorado, respectively.  The operations are not limited to these large bases, however, as there are suspected activities in New York City with DARPA regarding TIGR (the Tactical Ground Reporting System) units moving in convoys through the streets of Manhattan.  The photos are pretty interesting to look through, as there are references to IED’s and a list of other activities as a checklist for the TIGR operations.

For use in gathering information for our site, I wish to list a few pointers that will help you to categorize the information you find.  First, be as specific as possible: the better the detail, the more that you will provide for all who read the site.  Strive for accuracy and clarity in your reporting.  Use this acronym to help you out:

SALUTE.  This is the format for Army intelligence reporting in the field.

S – size:  The approximate number of men, tanks, APC’s, helicopters, and aircraft.

A – activity: What is the unit/group of vehicles/aircraft doing?  Are they in transit? Are they being transported by rail?  By ship?

L – location:  Where did you observe them?  Be precise to the most exact detail possible.

U – unit:  What insignia (branch) of the service did they appear to wear?  Did you see any distinctive unit patches?  Distinctive tabs, such as “Airborne,” “Ranger,” or “Special Forces” visible?  What type and camouflage pattern did they wear? Were they foreign troops, in foreign uniforms?  Civilian contractors?

T – time:  The exact time and date observed, and for how long

E – Equipment:  What were they carrying?  Weapons? (note rifles, pistols, heavy machine guns, grenades), special suits (NBC, hazmat, etc), any other complex gear or equipment?

This format is a time-honored formula to help you categorize the basics, but we need to garner as much detail as possible.  When you do come across such activity, try to poke around and find out things in greater depth.  Ask any soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marines about activities that correspond with what you have seen (being cautious, of course).

The next thing that needs to be reported is information based on secondary sources…these are sources you hear from and not the direct source itself.  It is incumbent upon the reporter to find reliable sources, so weigh them as to their credibility and reliability.  Another good thing to keep in mind is no matter how insignificant the intelligence fact may seem, or no matter how unimportant you may think it is…report it.  The overall significance of it may not be apparent immediately; however, when the information is tied in to other reports, it may turn out that your detail is not so minor after all.

Also take note of civilian companies that may also be in cahoots with these military activities.  Snap pictures or take notes of their names, corporate logos, and any other information you may feel to be pertinent.  Scan the local newspapers for upcoming events…and then either keep an eye out for them and see if you can be nearby, or observe them directly.  Remember, good intelligence is not found, it is made.

Anything you can photograph with a camera or a cell phone and post, by all means, let’s do it.  We have so many readers in so many states, and I guarantee that when this snowball begins rolling downhill it will be a boulder by the time it reaches the end.  I’m hoping that we can tie some of this into the other websites and see if we can do some information sharing with them.  Now is the time.  Now is the moment, before the regime and the FCC clamp down on us altogether.  Let’s see what we can do together.

One final thing: be careful.  Make sure that what you gather doesn’t compromise you in any way.  If you feel it might, then break contact immediately.  You may be “busted out” of intel for one day, but you can always regroup and try it again another time when the heat is turned down.  Please be careful…you’re important to me, and to one another.  I welcome everything and anything you can send and contribute to this effort.  Let’s see what we can put together.  Keep fighting that good fight, and remember, I’m in your corner, as are Mac and the rest of us at SHTF.

Yours truly,


*Please use the following form to contact Jeremiah Johnson with news, photos, videos and other information related to Jade Helm or other items of interest.

Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne).  Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at

This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to

Related Reading:

A Green Beret’s Guides To Survival and Preparedness (Full List)

Strategic Relocation: Strategies and Tips

A Green Beret’s Guide To Low-Budget Home-Defense Techniques 101: “Early-Warning Systems and Fortifications”

A Green Beret’s Guide To Low-Budget-Home-Defense Techniques 102: “Defensive Positions”


from Prepper Daily News
via Daily Prepper News

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