Thursday, 4 August 2016

To anyone who has ever been called a "conspiracy theorist," the world owes you a massive apology. …

To anyone who has ever been called a "conspiracy theorist," the world owes you a massive apology. As the leaked DNC emails now exhaustively prove, Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually did conspire to destroy Bernie Sanders. It was a genuine conspiracy involving a multitude of people who acted in coordinated secrecy to deceive the public, destroy a candidate and coronate their chosen evil globalist (Hillary Clinton) as President.

Leaked DNC Emails Prove Conspiracy Theorists Were RIGHT All Along Anonymous 07/26/16 (Tue) 17:01:42 No.469308

he only thing that makes this conspiracy any different than all the other true conspiracies happening right now is that they got caught.

And now, the entire leftist media – which is also part of the very same conspiracy to thrust Clinton into office – is trying to distract you from all this by invoking their own hilarious conspiracy theory: The Russians did it!

Yep, suddenly now the same leftist media skeptics who ridiculed anyone even hinting that the DNC was running a conspiracy to destroy Sanders is floating its own tin foil hat theories in a desperate bid to hope you won't read any of the emails that actually leaked. Those emails, it turns out, expose the DNC and Hillary Clinton as a cabal of corrupt political mafia bosses who deeply hate voters, democracy and a free press.

The DNC even rewarded top donors with political appointments to the boards of federal organizations. If you give them enough money, they'll make sure Hillary lands you a spot in your favorite federal bureaucracy (the United States Postal Service is apparently in need of several BORED members… ha ha).

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