Wednesday, 27 July 2016

I realize per Godwin's Law that I lose the thread automatically just by mentioning Hitler, but... …

I realize per Godwin's Law that I lose the thread automatically just by mentioning Hitler, but...

When Hitler came into power, he did what he did not so much because he was Hitler but because of the power that was available to use and abuse within Germany's political/social system.

If it hadn't been Hitler, it would have been someone else. The person didn't create the power, the power created the person.

So as far as today's US political/social system is concerned, it really doesn't matter if it's Hillary of Trump, or whomever. And maybe it's not this election, but the next or the next two or three.

The parallels with 1930's Germany are strengthening. Eventually the system will create an opportunity for power to be abused in a truly horrific manner, and there will be someone there ready to step in and wield it.

And all the history lessons in the world don't seem to be enough for the masses to 'never forget,' as they march straight into being condemned to repeat the past that they insist isn't repeating.

Just because it isn't an exact replay doesn't mean it can't be just as bad or even worse than before. Even 50% as bad is way more than bad enough.

But because it won't be an exact replay, the masses will fail to notice any relevant similarities and will be the ones (those who survive) saying afterwards, "Sorry, but we really didn't know how bad things were."

May they ever after enjoy driving on the roads paved with the bones of friends, family, and other innocents they allowed to be crushed due to their willful ignorance.

What a planet.

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