Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Where to Bug Out to (Video and Transcript)

By Lonewolf Wilderness Survival School
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Number of speakers: 1 (Shane)
Duration: 18 min 10 sec

Where to bug out to

Where to bug out to: Shane heading to the bug out locationShane: Good morning, YouTube! Shane here with another episode of Lonewolf Survival. And as you can see I’m driving down the road, on loca… on the way to location to this weekend’s episodes. What I would like to start off and talk to you about for just a second is viewer interaction; what’s coming up with . So, we’re working… currently working on our Facebook page, we’re currently working on our website, as I’ve said before. All this will be coming up pretty soon, but what we’re looking for is some interaction, some feedback from the viewers, and subjects that you would like to see us teach to; that you would like to see us demonstrate. So, if you would send your suggestion of what you’d like to see or any questions you might have. We’re gonna start doing a Q&A session episodes as well, to and you’ll see the email address at the bottom of your screen.

So, this episode I want to key in on something that a lot of people kind of leave vague. We talk about bugging out all the time – you need to have a , bug-out vehicle, bug-out trailer, bug-out this and bug-out that. But what no one really talks about is, where are you gonna bug out to? Everybody says you’re supposed to have a predetermined undisclosed location that only you know about and that you practice going out and to this location. Well that’s… that’s kind of gray, that’s kind of a gray area. So, what if I’m not a hardcore prepper? What if I’m just average Joe? And I see that the need that, if something comes up, a natural disaster, zombie apocalypse, alien attacks… Whatever it is you… whatever it is that you think is coming. If that incident happens, where am I gonna go or where am I gonna take myself and my family?
So, I can’t just go out to my neighbors backyard, campout in his woods. It’s not gonna work for me. So, it’s good to scout and have a predetermined location, but if you live in a demographic where you don’t have that capability, you’re kinda limited on what you can do. So, we’re gonna give you an option. And this is just an option and I’m gonna give you the reasons why. No matter how much gear I have, no matter how much training I have in any kind of a disaster situation. I’m gonna have a hard time making it on my own, so I’m gonna need… I’m gonna need help. I’m gonna need community. So, where we’re headed today is we’re headed up to a primitive campsite location in the North Georgia Mountains. And when I say primitive site, that means there’s no electricity, they have no… That’s what a primitive site is. Not a lot of big RVs are gonna be in there, a lot of people tent camping. And that’s what we’re looking for on this. So, what I’ve done is I’ve loaded the truck down with basic camping gear that I have on hand that, that anyone easily have laying around, and that you could pick up at Walmart or DICK’S Sporting Goods or any of the outdoor outfitters. And not have to spend a lot of money and you could do pretty good on short-term sustainability.

Now, why a campsite? Well, there’s several reasons. Number one, it’s already established area. That means, when I say established area, that means there’s always… there’s already an entrance road, there’s already… It’s already cleared, I’m not gonna have to do a lot of work there. Number two, community – there’s gonna be other people there. There’s gonna be hopefully like-minded people as yourself, who have had the same idea and go, ‘Hey, I saw that guy on YouTube and he said I need to run to my nearest campsite’. So, when you all get there, tell them I said hi! Number three, obviously security; maybe 1, 2 ways in and out. Number three, others who bring their resources with them combined with your resources gives you a better chance. Maybe I don’t have something you do, maybe we can barter, maybe we can share, maybe we can swap – doesn’t really matter. So, there’s a really good reason for looking at a campsite like that, an established campsite. It doesn’t have to be a KOA campsite. There are plenty of campsites located throughout the United States that you could easily get in, go into. They are near water, there’s local wildlife for hunting and foraging. So, there’s a lot of benefits to it. So we wanna show you what it would be like and we’re bugging out with our limited gear that we have. And when I say limited gear I’m talking about you know, I’m bringing 10 gallons of water with us, that’s it. And that’s not my heavy prep, it’s not what I would normally go with, but 10 gallons of water, a couple tents, basic items that you would use for camping, lanterns. So, nothing that… nothing that would actually look like I have in my prep boxes. So, we’ll be there shortly and we’re gonna show you camp set up, we’re gonna show you scouting the area. We’re gonna try to talk to some other folks and kind of see where their feelings are on what they’re using. And get a general idea that if we went to this site in an emergency situation and there’s others there, are we gonna be able to come together as a community and pull our resources.

So, another thing you need to look at is routes of how to get there. And also, is it located near the city, is it off the beaten path, how many roads come into it, how many ways can I get there. Get yourself a road map, practice different routes to get there in case the main roads are shut down. Also look at… on weekends, go on out to the site, it also gives you a great way to practice your prepping in the field without you know, having access to hundreds of acres. We are very fortunate that we have access, that we have quite a bit of land. So, most of the things that you see was shot on our property, so we’re very fortunate in order to have that resource, a lot of people aren’t. You’re gonna have to look for different avenues. So, we’re gonna go ahead and head on in and I’ll be back in a little bit and we’ll show you what we’ve loaded on the vehicle and what we brought in and we’ll get camp set up. And hopefully have a lot of fun this weekend. Alright, I’ll see you in a bit.

Where to bug out to: Shane at bugout locationHey, welcome back YouTube. Here we are and we’ve made it to the primitive campsite I was talking about earlier. We’re about two hours in, we’ve already got the campsite set up. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the area, little bit about some of the resources that are around here. And then we’re gonna show you the camp and actually how we got it set up and some of the gear that we brought with us. And like I, like I spoke to earlier, what we brought with us out here today is stuff that you can pick up virtually anywhere. This is just your run-of-the-mill weekend camping gear, so there’s not a lot of money put into this. You know, we don’t have… we don’t have the bug out rig out here, you know with all our prep stuff on there. Just some light stuff that we could throw together in the back of a vehicle in about an hour, so we could get out of dodge.

So, kind of wanna talk a little bit about the area, we’ve done a little scouting. We’re right next to a river. There’s a lot of natural resources around here – fishing, there’s small game hunting. You know, we were looking in the area that there’s some wild hogs in the area. So, one way in, one way out. And on our way out we’re gonna show you the actual entrance and exit point. Several trails through here. Right now we’re seeing 4 other tents set up out here, so not a lot of people out here this weekend. This is a remote area, a remote site. And like I was talking to earlier you know, I can come here and I’ve got resources available, there’s gonna be other people in the area indigenous. You know, maybe they live around here, maybe they’ve been here before, maybe they’ve found this site on a blog or a website and this is the predetermined location they’re coming. So, relatively clean area for the most part. It is very isolated, you do not need a 4 wheel drive to get in here, we’re in the 2 wheel drive, F250. So, what we’re gonna do now is kinda walk around camp and we’ll talk about some of things that we brought. And then as the day goes on, we’re going to hit some of the trails and show you some of the area and some of the features of this actual area, and why it would make a good emergency bug out prep site.
Where to bug out to: Shane demoing the inside of the tentSo, if you’ll follow me over here. It’s gonna be very, very simple living tonight. , . Not a lot of room, we don’t really need a lot of room, rainfly’s already on. So, this is gonna work good for us tonight. Like I said, this set up right here – Walmart. This tent about 140 bucks, so it doesn’t you know, doesn’t cost a lot of money. And like I said before, I don’t sleep on the ground anymore. Ever since I came out of the military, I don’t sleep on the ground. So you’ll always see me with a hammock or a cot. So, there’s our tent set up.

Where to bug out to: Shane displaying waterproof boxes and gearThen we come over here. Two waterproof boxes. Some of the things we brought with us. Simple items that we could throw together really fast. Of course I’ve got my bone… Okay, let me send a shout-out, Bone Collector hoodie. I don’t leave home without it. You know, basic camping gear – got a , … Here’s our , we never go anywhere without this. Some basic toiletry items, food supply, I’ve got a in here. I’ve got my , , . I’ve got some rope, couple of flashlights, basic set up. It’s in a Kobalt waterproof box with wheels on it. I can leave this thing outside, I don’t have to worry about it, I mean my gear getting wet. And then the other box is just a Smart Bin, you can pick these up for about 40 bucks at Walmart, waterproof. And this is what we had all of, we had the tent and the cots and everything packed in here. And we’ve got some… we’ve got some snacks, I’m showing you my Oreos. So, this is just one of… this is just something, we could throw some gear in real fast to get it out of the rain, keep everything secured with. I’ve got a 28 Quart cooler and I’ve got another small cooler in the back. Didn’t really grab a lot of stuff.

Where to bug out to: Shane at fire pitWe’ve got our firewood pile over here, we’ve got our . And we’ve got 10 gallons of water that we brought with us and that’s all we’re working with this weekend. So, I didn’t want to bring a lot of gear with us, I wanted to show you kind of you know, what I could grab out of my basement and throw in the back of a vehicle in an emergency situation; that I can get out of dodge and I can come to a location where I can set up. And you’re gonna be okay. We’re gonna do a little tour here in a little bit, we’ll hit some of the trails. We’ll take you down to the river, show you the area. Show you some of the things that if you bring any kind of fishing equipment with you, if not you know, if you’ve at least got some hooks, some plastic bottles you can do a… you either can do a trotline or something like that.
So, there’s a lot of resources in this area that you can use, even if you were gonna go to a long-term scenario. There’s plenty of building material. I can put a really, really, really nice lean-to up – a long-term lean-to. I mean this is… there’s a lot of building material around here and it’s a good isolated area. Good road in and out. So, this is gonna be a prime location when you’re looking at where you want to bug out to, where am I gonna go. Like I said earlier, look at the campsites, which… what’s close to you. And this campsite, like I said, is nestled in the North Georgia Mountains, so it is seriously back in the middle of nowhere. So, you need to look and see what’s in your area. And understand this, this may not be somewhere we want to spend our whole time. This may be a landing spot until we can get a plan together, come up with – okay, something happened, we gotta go, here’s where we are; now let’s get all of our people together. If you’ve got others in your group that are gonna rendezvous with you or just to sit down and land, and go okay, we gotta get our game plan to go to what is step two, are we gonna stay here, are we gonna go somewhere else. So, it’s just a good, kind of out of harm’s way spot that you can land for a few days, until you figure out what you’re gonna do. So well, we’ll be back in just a little bit and we’ll take you down, look at some of the trails and show you some of the area, and kind of what resources you’ve got available. I’ll be back in a bit.

Where to bug out to: Shane on the trailHi and welcome back YouTube. So, we’re out here on the trail, in this primitive campsite area that we’ve come to this weekend. And I’m just gonna kind of show you some of the natural features, gonna show you the river area, where you can do some trout fishing. And just to kind of get an idea of where we’re at. The density of the forest around here and I’m a person of opportunity anyway, and as we’re coming by, we see this deadfall, this tree that’s fallen down. And if I was to come upon this in the wild, I would simply see this as a target of opportunity, because nature has given me about 80% of what I need for a really good overnight shelter. We would simply come in here and lay some ridgepoles on the back to build a back on this thing. You have a really nice lean-to with a pretty good cover over that would keep us pretty dry. So, I just wanted to show you this kind of a target of opportunity.

Where to bug out to: Density of the forestAnd we’re gonna pan to the right now and we’re gonna drift off and see how the density of a lot of the area is. And you can see how dense the forest is in this area. So, there’s gonna be a lot of wildlife, there’s gonna be a lot of game in this area. So, you can see this is some pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty thick area that we’re in right now. So, right now we’re gonna cross back over, we’re gonna show you the bridge. There’s a bridge out here that crosses over the water and we’re gonna go down and actually to a drop off area that we found. And we’re gonna look at the river area. So, we’re gonna go ahead and head up the trail.

Where to bug out to: Shane near the riverAlright, we’re back and we’ve come down to the water area. And really clear out area, easy to get in, easy to get out. So, it’s gonna be easy for me to collect water, bring it back to camp. Also there’s some trout in this area. We could set up some Indian fish traps, we could use some trotlines. There’s a lot of different techniques that we could use. We could build some basket traps, whatever stuff we could do in this area. So, like I said, when you’re looking for a bug out location, what you’re looking for is what kind of resources do I have available. So, I’ve got a really good water source, I’ve got a lot of building materials that I could use to put a , a semi-permanent shelter. There’s a lot of hunting in the area, I can fish in the area. So, this is really, this is really a prime spot that I can come and land at, until I can get a game plan together and figure out what I’m gonna do more long-term.
So, what we’re gonna do now, we’re gonna head back up to the trail, show you a couple different areas. And then we wanna go back to camp and we’re gonna talk about… We’re gonna talk about, more about our loadout and what we’re gonna be doing tonight. So, we’ll see you in a few.

Here is a quick walk around of the site to show a basic fast short term camp.


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