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When it comes to survival medicine, I make no claim of being an expert. I am, after all, a mere layman with no medical training. On the other hand, I do possess a good deal of common sense so when something seems a bit off, I do my own research and make decisions based upon data and not upon supposition.
Something that has always been “off” to me are expiration dates on pharmaceuticals. Why is it that drugs always expire exactly one year after the date they were filled? The truth, as I wrote about in The Myth of Expiration Dates on Drugs and Prescription Meds, is that those expiration dates are often bogus.
In that article, I referenced the following statement from the the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide:
Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.
The question of whether outdated drugs are viable beyond their expiration date is a heated topic within the prepper community. I get that because there are some medications that absolutely should not be taken when they are old and expired. Some common examples include nitroglycerin, insulin, liquid antibiotics, and epinephrine but there are others.
Still, if the choice is to take an old, outdated medicine or die, I know what I would do.
In order to continue the discussion, and to shed further light on the myth of expiration dates, I am sharing an article by contributing author, Joe Alton. Joe, also known as Dr. Bones, is a medical doctor who is well versed in survival medicine. Here is his take on using old drugs for survival purposes.
Straight Talk About Expiration Dates
Years ago, I wrote an article about the truth relating to expiration dates on medications. Lately, I’ve seen some confusing information on the internet that tells you how dangerous they are while telling you that, in a survival scenario, you should probably use them. So I think it’s time to set the record straight with regards to expiration dates on medications.
Before I start, I want to tell you that my focus is medical preparedness for major disasters and long-term survival. That means a strategy of putting together stockpiles of supplies that might save a life in times of trouble.
Now, what you need to know.
Expiration dates were first mandated in the us in 1979.
They are the last day that a drug company will guarantee 100% potency of a medicine. These medicines do not, by and large, become toxic after the expiration date. I promise you that you will not grow a horn in the middle of your forehead if you take a pill the week after it expires.
In many cases, drugs in pill, powder, or capsule form will be 100% potent for years after their expiration date. How do I know this? FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Department of Defense stockpiles millions of doses of medications used in emergency settings. In the past, when those drugs expired, they were discarded.
This gets to be pretty expensive, so a study was performed called the shelf life extension program, something I first wrote about years ago. This program found that most medications, as long as they are in pill or capsule form, were still effective after their expiration dates, sometimes for years. As such, I recommended not throwing them away but, instead, making them part of your survival medical storage.
This, by the way, was not the case for medicines in liquid form. They lost potency quickly after their expiration dates, so are not useful for long-term survival settings.
These findings led the government to put out extensions of expiration dates for certain drugs as needed, such as the 5 year extension given the anti-viral drug Tamiflu during the 2009 swine flu epidemic.
Despite this, you’ll see quotes, often from academic types, that medications are dangerous when expired and should be tossed. These opinions are fine in normal times, but if you’re reading this article, you’re probably a member of the preparedness community or at least interested in the subject. You might even be the person that would be medically responsible in situations when the rescue helicopter is heading the other way.
Good, you’re exactly who I want to talk to since you may one day have to make a decision in a true disaster setting about whether or not to use an expired medication.
Let’s say a loved one is fading from an infection. Something bad has happened and you’re off the grid with little or no hope of getting to modern medical care. You have an expired bottle of antibiotics. What are you going to do? Someone you love is dying. Are you going to use the expired drug or not? Exactly.
Of course, medicines should be stored in cool, dry, dark conditions. Their potency will fade twice as fast if stored at 90 degrees as if stored at 50 degrees. Freezing them, however, is rarely helpful. Even if stored in suboptimal conditions, a capsule or tablet that hasn’t changed color or consistency is probably still worth keeping for austere settings.
Sometimes, in a true disaster, the issues that will facing the medically responsible will be very basic.
What’s the problem? Do I have medicine that will treat it? Could this medicine, although it has expired, possibly save a life? When it comes down to it, can you really choose to not use it to prevent a death because it may possibly have side effects or not be quite as strong as it was?
I say: In this situation, don’t withhold a drug because some professors said it wasn’t a good idea to use it. Believe me, they weren’t seriously considering a time when an expired medication might be the only option you have left.
Let’s hope it never gets to that point, but preparing for the worst, while hoping for the best isn’t a bad strategy to deal with the uncertain future.
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In our heart of hearts, we would never purposely do harm to a loved one. Talking that one step further, we would do everything we could to ensure their health and their safety when the chips are down.
These days, my own preference is to use herbal remedies and essential oils to take care of my loved one’s health care needs. But in times of distress, who can predict what we will have available following a disaster or other disruptive event? For that reason, I have stockpiled old, no longer used drugs. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter meds. They are tucked away with many of my other “I hope to never have to use” preps. The only cost to keeping them is the space they take and what the heck? Why wouldn’t I do that?
I know I have said this before but it bears repeating: knowledge is power and the best piece of survival gear you will ever own is the gray matter between your ears. Read and study as much as you can about survival medicine and always, use common sense.
To read more from Joe and his wife Amy, you can visit their website at There you will find hundreds of articles related to medical preparedness in wilderness, disaster, or other austere settings.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!
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Spotlight: The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way:
This book teaches how to deal with all the likely medical issues you will face in a disaster situation, including strategies to keep your family healthy even in the worse scenarios. It covers skills such as performing a physical exam, transporting the injured patient, and even how to suture a wound. This medical reference belongs in every survival library.
Bargain Bin: Below you will find links to the items related to today’s article.
Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Life-Saving Herbs, Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for When There is No Doctor: This is a fantastic book from fellow blogger, Cat Ellis. In it you will learn that natural remedies are not voodoo but rather, natures way of healing without the use of toxic chemicals and additives. Highly recommended.
Spark Naturals Essential Oils: I use essential oils from Spark Naturals exclusively. They are high quality yet reasonably priced. In addition, there are no membership fees and a distributor relationship is not necessary to get best pricing. Interested in checking them out? Backdoor Survival readers get a 10% discount by using coupon code BACKDOORSURVIVAL at checkout!
NOW Foods Essential Oils: I use essential oils from Spark Naturals. For healing purposes, I feel they are superior. On the other hand, NOW Foods has decent essential oils at a budget price plus they can be purchased at Here are a few to get you started: NOW Foods Rosemary Oil, NOW Foods Peppermint Oil, and Now Foods Lavender Oil.
Quikclot Sport Brand Advanced Clotting Sponge: A must for any first aid or emergency kit, Quikclot Sport stops moderate to severe bleeding until further medical help is available.
Israeli Battle Dressing, 6-inch Compression Bandage: This is another inexpensive, yet critical item. Combat medics, trauma doctors, and emergency responders all recommend this Israeli Battle Dressing (IBD) for the treatment of gunshot wounds, puncture wounds, deep cuts, and other traumatic hemorrhagic injuries.
Living Ready Pocket Manual – First Aid: Fundamentals for Survival: Whether you are miles from help or immersed in an urban disaster situation, every second counts during a medical emergency. This book will help you take quick, effective action to stabilize the situation. One of the best things about this book (other than the information, of course) is it’s size. It is small enough to keep in your bug-out-bag and also in your first aid kit.
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What You Need to Know About Using Old Drugs for Survival by Gaye Levy first appeared on Backdoor Survival.
I’ve written this article with a hypothetical situation interspersed between
some factual text:
Your eyelids peel apart and allow dust to fall onto your eyes as you force them open and shut while rubbing them with filthy fists in an effort to washout some of the debris. The ringing noise is loud in your ears. “I wish it would stop,” you declare to yourself. A terrible ache forms in the depth of your skull. You ache all over. “What happened, where am I,” you ask? As your blurry vision begins to brighten and sharpen, you can see ash in the air,you can taste the metallic tinge of blood at your tongue as it parts your lips to feed your burning lungs with their much needed meal of fresh air. The ringing in your ear is fading in and out as you begin to make out different pitches of rings. Focusing even more, you begin to separate a new sound completely from the ringing. Screams. Those are screams. Everything rushes back to you now in one cinematic recollection. You were at the United States Holocaust Museum when a thunder of ear-shattering noise collapsed the roof of the exhibit…
That “thunder” that you recalled was the sound of an explosive device that was detonated a mere 100 feet away. Making your way to your feet, you see that the sharp pain in your back was large piece of concrete. Frustrated with it, you kick it away and it reveals a sign that had previously been on a wall.Through the dust you read “Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another.” A quote by Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor. Reading this eases the brewing anxiety growing in your abdomen.Realizing that perhaps you are better off than some of your fellow Americans nearby, you decide to take action and help. You rush the ten feet to the first victim and curse the museum rules, realizing that your EDC bag is in your car;a 20 minute train ride away. It had bandages and a tourniquet. You drop to your knees and look down on a woman in her mid-twenties covered in ash and breathing hard, but she is unconscious. Her body is all grey except for the bright red blood spurting out from her smashed and mangled arm pinned beneath the concrete. As you think to yourself what to do first you are suddenly halted internally by a flash of adrenaline. Everything in the room gets a bit brighter, you notice you are breathing heavier and faster. Your fingers tremble. You don’t know what to do. Where do you start?
The Simple Acronym to Guide Your Aid: S-A-L-T
SALT is a form of systematic mass casualty triage that has been endorsed nationally by most medical associations and emergency organizations. My aim here, is to provide a simple way to understand and remember the importance of sorting and treating casualties in the event of horrible incident.
Although many emergency organizations are implementing new ways to coordinate and handle mass casualty incidents, the best first-line protection for the wounded may be the not-so-wounded.
The original and official acronym stands for Sort, Assess, Life-Saving Interventions, and Treatment/Transport.
For a mass casualty scenario before each person is assessed, we are only concerned with providing two types of aid:
1) Bleeding, and
2) Breathing.
SALT will help you determine how to start and stop your aid to others. Here is how SALT can be interpreted for those of you with no first responder training:
Sort – Sort out yourself and others by telling everyone to get up and starting helping others. What this does is immediately identify those that DON OT need immediate help.
Assess – Start vigilantly looking around to see if the environment is still unsafe. Check for hazards like fires, active shooters, or whatever is relevant and/or obviously dangerous. If you have concluded that the worst is over, begin to assess those in need of help.
Life Saving – The most important thing you can do is control severe bleeding. I am not referring to dark-red blood that oozes from an ear, but blood that is spurting each time the victim’s heart beats. We will discuss methods later. Next, if the patient is unconscious, open their airway and see if they begin breathing. If they are already breathing you need to lay them on their side, in the fetal position, and move on to the next victim. If they are not breathing after you have opened their airway, then move on to the next victim and realize that helping everyone is not always feasible. Bleeding or not, and breathing or not, it is very easy to allow yourself to become consumed and distracted by other injuries, which means less people get your help. As bad as a broken shin may look with bone sticking out and dried blood everywhere added to a victim screaming in pain, that patient doesn’t need you like the unconscious person 10 feet away who needs to have their airway opened.
Treat/Transport – The best things to do at this phase of SALT is to get people to safety or to places that first responders can more easily access.Once all of the people that can easily be moved have been, then begin treating what injuries you can on the patients that are still trapped, unable to easily move, or difficult to get to. Know and remember that a victim’s stability can change at any moment so each time they are moved, and periodically while stationary, you need to always continue to check for heavy bleeding and the presence of breathing.
Plain and simple, if the bleeding is massive and coming out fast from a limb while spurting from the heart’s beat, then it needs a tourniquet.Commercially made tourniquets are produced and for sale, but typically aren’t available when citizens need them most and may present some legal issues when used by non-healthcare or non-trained personnel. One can fashion a tourniquet quite easily with common items. What is important is what not to use more so than what to use. Do not use anything that will cut into the skin when tightened. Examples would be: electrical wire or cordage, shoe strings, etc.Using things thin in width will not adequately cut off blood flow in an artery and will usually slice into the skin. Anything wide like a belt, a tee shirt,or a cutoff strap from a book bag should work so long as you can get it tight enough. The only two other things that are extremely important are how tight to tighten it and where to put it. You should already know, or should learn how,to check for a pulse at the wrist and at the ankle. This is crucial, because tourniquets need to be tightened tight enough to stop the pulse. This means finding and feeling a pulse as you are tightening it, or having someone else feel it. Most EMT and First Aid courses and textbooks recommend that you place a tourniquet two to three inches above the wound. However, what if the foot or hand is amputated? The shin and forearm are not the best places for tourniquet placement because the arteries run between the bones and require much more pressure on tightening them to actually stop blood flow, whereas the upper leg and arm has only one bone and the artery can be clamped against it. After all,the point isn’t to slow blood flow, but to stop blood flow. So, my recommendation is that regardless of where the wound is, place the tourniquet as high on the groin or armpit as possible. Always remember to continue to check tourniquets periodically, especially when using an improvised tourniquet as they could loosen, causing the victim to bleed out even faster than before.
…You drop to your knees and look down on a woman in her mid-twenties covered in ash and breathing hard, but she is unconscious. Her body is all grey except for the bright red blood spurting out from her smashed and mangled arm pinned beneath the concrete. Remembering the SALT acronym, you quickly remember to shout out for people to get up and help if they can and that next is the Life-Saving phase. “Bleeding first, then breathing, bleeding then breathing,” you think. You pull off your leather belt and wrap it around her upper arm near the shoulder and loop it through the buckle, pulling it backwards towards you to get it snug. You reach down to put two fingers on the wrist to feel a pulse but see that it is pinned beneath a massive piece of concrete. As you start cranking down on the belt to pull it as tight as you can, you notice the gaping hole no longer has blood spraying from it and is only dripping from being so saturated with blood. Securing the belt so that it tays tight, you begin to look around and see several other people rushing to the aid of others. You stand and move quickly to the next victim and point at two people standing, looking terrified at the scene in front of them. “You two, start trying to find us an exit, there is no way to bring stretchers inhere for these people and we need to get them outside!” They take off in a frantic hurry. Kneeling beside the next casualty, you see that his stomach and chest are both still, motionless and lifeless. As he lay lifeless on his back,you fight back the fear building inside of you as you lift his chin towards the sky, lifting his tongue off the back of his throat. Knowing that this would have allowed for him to take a breath if he was capable of doing so, and that he didn’t, you say a quiet “sorry” and promptly move on to the next person. The next person that no one is helping is an elderly woman who does not appear to be bleeding anywhere but has bruises all over her limbs. As you look to see if she is breathing, you see that she is, in fact she is breathing so hard that she is snoring, but she is unconscious. Unsure of how to proceed, you think of SALT again…
Most people are able to ascertain whether a person is breathing or not by looking at their stomach or chest. Following the SALT method, you either see that they are breathing and move on, or you notice they are not breathing and make an attempt to open their airway. Most of the time, the airway is shut off by the tongue falling back slightly and not allowing air to enter the lungs.The easiest way to help this is by turning someone on their side. This keeps the tongue out of the way and allows air to move freely, plus it allows fluids like vomit and blood to drain out rather than into the lungs. When turning someone on their side, lay their head against the inside of their upper arm and whatever leg is higher, bend it and lay it on the ground if it is uninjured.This will help stabilize them and prevent them from rolling back onto their back.
…The next person that no one is helping is an elderly woman who does not appear to be bleeding anywhere but has bruises all over her limbs. As you look to see if she is breathing, you see that she is, in fact she is breathing so hard that she is snoring, but she is unconscious. You roll her to her rights ide placing her head on her bicep and you move her left leg off of the right leg and on the ground. To your astonishment, her snoring stops and she lets outa hard cough that jettisons vomit onto her arm and the dust covered ground.Standing up, the two people that you instructed to find an exit come jogging up to you reporting that the main entrance is mostly open. Just as you shout to everyone to let them know, you are interrupted by the sound of not just one,but many sirens in the distance.
My purpose in writing this article is to empower the prepper community with some basic knowledge of how to help during a disaster as well as to advocate that if you have not sought out medical training, that you should. Learn the basics and practice them. Many areas have volunteer positions where you can practice skills like CPR and most companies can spare the money to put an employee through First Aid training.
Although I mentioned CPR, I do find it necessary to provide an opinion about its use in a SHTF scenario. Each day, thousands of people go into sudden cardiac arrest and desperately need Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to survive.No one can deny that. However, in the prepping community, I see a lot of folks advocating CPR training, to my surprise. On one hand, CPR is a skill that I believe should at the beginning of any medical training, and is a course that I believe should be taught at every middle and high school in the nation, but CPR does not have much place in a SHTF or TEOTWAWAKI situation. Cardiac arrest victims who are successfully resuscitated by CPR typically had an underlying condition that caused it and often require several days to weeks in an Intensive Care Unit to make any level of recovery. Please do not think that I mean CPR has no place in a bad situation, it very well may. Rather, what I am saying is that there are many situations where it does not as well, and I hope that individuals consider this when faced with the situation. Start with a CPR class that includes First Aid and AED training. Then challenge yourself to attend alternative first aid courses like wilderness first aid, or even volunteer as an EMT at a rescue squad. Whatever you do, never stop preparing.
About The Author: I am W.G. Curry, a Nationally Registered Paramedic and EMT, a Certified Tactical Paramedic, Tactical Combat Casualty Care Provider, and CPR instructor that has seven years of Combat Arms experience from the U.S. Army as well as an advocate that we all be vigilant,prepared, and loyal to those that we cherish. Be safe!
(Pictured: An EMP detonated over middle America could take down the power grid nationwide)
Most are aware of the tense situation that exists between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States. You all probably know that Kim Jung-Un, the son of and successive dictator of deceased Kim Jung-Il is just as much of a power driven megalomaniac as his departed father. Everyone has heard the repeated threats of North Korea that they will visit the United States with a nuclear attack. Most of the time the big bad wolf is ignored, but there has to come a time with the law of averages and probability that he will not just huff and puff but actually blow the house down.
Let’s reiterate the weaknesses of the United States in this area. For years Congressional Committees (with such people as retired Representative Roscoe Bartlett, (R), Maryland, among others) have outspokenly declared Iranian and North Korean intentions to use an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) nuclear device against the United States. Such assertions were not “darts in the dark at the dartboard,” per se: they were bona fide assessments with plenty of U.S. military intelligence documentation to back them up. These intelligence assessments were augmented with captured documents that clearly state the intention of each nation to use an EMP against the United States.
The current U.S. posture versus such a weapon is lackadaisical, if not entirely nonexistent. Plans to protect and shield infrastructure (such as power transmission generators and substations) and vital, sensitive, American computer and communications networks (such as Wall Street, the Federal Monetary Databases), as well as military facilities and equipment in the U.S. have never been carried out. Our own response times have been decreased (the removal of TARS in March of 2013, and the unwillingness to scramble fighters with an intrusion or threat to U.S. territorial skies or waters) or altogether abandoned.
Pyongyang announced the decision that a rocket launch to deliver a satellite is planned for October 10, 2015 to commemorate the communist Workers’ Party 70 year anniversary. This came on the heels of a revelation by North Korea’s Atomic Energy Institute that a previously suspended (2007) Nyongbyon reactor that produces North Korea’s main supply of plutonium for weapons has now been restarted. This is serious, folks. The proof of the seriousness: defense officials for the U.S. and South Korea met on 9/23/15 to discuss possible allied responses “to the possibility of an imminent North Korean rocket launch and later nuclear test.”
The main allied concern is that North Korea will perfect its development of the Unha-3 rocket, an ICBM capable (if they iron out the glitches with its re-entry problems) of striking the continental United States. Remember, readers, most of the planet’s officials are not “far-seeing statesmen” that can forecast trouble before it happens. Furthermore, if they do realize a problem exists, they also usually make the wrong choice as to the predicted course of action. In this case, we also have the news media that is nothing more than a mouthpiece for these politicos. CBS News gave a statement that shows these “blind visionaries” as clearly being clueless about the true threat:
“It [North Korea] is thought to have a small arsenal of atomic bombs and an impressive array of short and medium-range missiles. But it has yet to demonstrate that it can produce nuclear bombs small enough to place on a missile, or missiles that can reliably deliver their bombs to faraway targets.”
Hello? “It has yet to demonstrate,” right? And what would show that the demonstration is successful…an American city going up in a nuclear fireball? Or the probable course of action:
The North Koreans detonate a nuke-carrying satellite as it orbits directly overhead and central to the U.S. and deliver a crippling EMP to the whole country.
This course of action isn’t science fiction: it is science fact, and is a capability that is currently enjoyed by several nations of the world. What the North Koreans have lacked in technology they may very well have borrowed from the Chinese, the Iranians, or the Russians. Miniaturization regarding EMP weapons has been around for several years, now, and this satellite launch is another golden opportunity for one of the main enemies of the U.S. (such as China or Russia) to use their lackey (North Korea) to deliver a fatal blow to America.
Remember those 50 subs that went missing from North Korea? Where are the subs? The Chinese just sent 5 ships to patrol off the coast of Alaska when Obama went there recently. How hard would it be to either tow or “disgorge” a Korean sub from one of those ships and zap us with a sea-launched missile (remember that California incident from 2009?) while we’re expecting the ICBM? Or even both, simultaneously? Of course the complacency of the U.S. government and the listless apathy of most Americans will present an appealing target to our enemies.
The point is that on October 10 the North Koreans may show themselves to be cleverer than we thought them. Remember “Mein Kampf,” written by Adolf Hitler. It clearly detailed all of the things he intended to do in Europe, and he ended up doing those things! We were caught napping on that one. We may very well be in a soporific stupor of somnombulence on October 10, and then Fortschen’s novel “One Second After” might be the result. In one second, life as we know it can change for the next 100 years. North Korea should be taken seriously on this one. For something of this magnitude, it is better to overreact 1000 times than to under react 1 time and have the worst happen.
Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape). He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at or contact him here.
This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to
Related Reading:
The Prepper’s Blueprint: A Step-By-Step Guide To Prepare For Any Disaster
A Green Beret’s Guides To Survival and Preparedness (Full List)
Strategic Relocation: Strategies and Tips
A Green Beret’s Guide To Low-Budget-Home-Defense Techniques 102: “Defensive Positions”
September 29, 1881 was the birthday of Ludwig von Mises. (He died on October 10, 1973.)
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Round 60 ends on September 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging. Note that if we don’t have space for some of the most-recently received entries, then they will be posted and judged in Round 61.
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