Saturday, 24 January 2015

New blogpost (2005 -2014 SurvivalBlog Archive Now Available!) has been published on My Emergency Preparedness Blog

The expanded 2005-2014 SurvivalBlog Archive is now available as either a digital download, or as a DVD. Now, you’ll get not just one extra year of the blog but many more bonus books. (49 books, in all!)

This is a complete archive DVD of all of the SurvivalBlog posts from 2005 to 2014. The article titles on this DVD are keyword searchable and are provided in both HTML and PDF. Effectively, it emulates SurvivalBlog offline, on your PC. It runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

With this DVD, you’ll always have access to the SurvivalBlog archives, even if the Internet is not available, and if you are online while using the DVD, then the links to external web sites (from both HTML and PDF) will be fully functional.

The amount of information on the archive DVD is immense. The HTML file is 102 megabytes and 1,441 pages long! (So we don’t recommend printing a hard copy.)

See more details and order your copy today!

2005 -2014 SurvivalBlog Archive Now Available!


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