Saturday, 24 January 2015

I just blogged at My Emergency Preparedness Blog - So you’re considering becoming a prepper – be careful

becoming a prepperBy Don Richey

Good for you, the more people who are prepared the better. But don’t make a common mistake many new preppers make, trying to do too much too fast. Then they either get frustrated and quit or end up thinking they’re all set but find they missed some important basics. Unless you have a lot of extra money so you can install a bunker/shelter and go out and buy a couple of years worth of food at the drop of the hat, you need to start slow and in phases.

Considering becoming a prepper? Download: “Emergency Preparedness!!! in 3 Parts

Start with the basics. Look at your household, do you live alone or do you have a family or are you living with friends. Your plans need to include any other people and/or pets who are part of your household, and plan any special needs. Start with a solid 72 hour plan, being on your own for at least 3 days without any utility services. The basic areas you need to look at are Food/Water, Shelter and Security. Look at what you have right now to build on. Look at alternate uses for things you already have. Pick up simple things to cook when you’re doing your shopping. For water, I recommend 3 gals per person per day minimum and 5-6 would be better, this covers washing and cooking.

Now 3 days is simple and doesn’t take a lot of money, though I could talk to you for a couple hours on just 3days prepping, but now let’s step it up, plan for 2 weeks. Now for 3 days you could cut a few corners, but for 2 weeks, you need to look a little deeper into things. When you’re set for 2 weeks go for a month, then 3 months, then 6 months, etc. Don’t forget about situations where you or a member of your family/group, might not be at home when the shtf. Also consider working with others, just be careful here.

A few words on Security, the defense of your home, your family/group and/or yourself. Step one is the passive security of your home. Quality locks, security system with battery backup, supplies to make your home look like it has already been looted, think outside the box. Look at your home and think how you could penetrate your security and then what would stop you. Now look at your active security, firearms, blades, pepper spray, self defense training etc. Most of us out there have firearms in our plans, but here’s something I’d like to say on this. Having a firearm does not make you invincible, you need to know how and when to use it and so does everyone in your group, so practice and train for different situations. I could go on and on, but I think this will help you broaden you vision a bit.

Plan, Prepare And Stay Safe!!

Don Richey

The post So you’re considering becoming a prepper – be careful appeared first on American Preppers Network.

So you’re considering becoming a prepper – be careful


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