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Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Monday, 23 May 2016
Saturday, 21 May 2016
As someone currently on a zero carb diet... I can't help but love this video (STOP JUDGING ME!)
As someone currently on a zero carb diet... I can't help but love this video (STOP JUDGING ME!)
If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35 Claim Your free download of "7 Ways to Be More Spiritual Than Your Friends" at http://Awak...
Friday, 20 May 2016
Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal | We Ar…
There are safe ways to provide fluoride to your teeth if your teeth are deficient. A simple one time gel treatment lasting fifteen minutes is good enough t
Will the "say anything bad about fluoride and we'll call you a conspiracy theorist" cheerleaders f…
Will the "say anything bad about fluoride and we'll call you a conspiracy theorist" cheerleaders finally shut the fuck up and start listening?
There are safe ways to provide fluoride to your teeth if your teeth are deficient. A simple one time gel treatment lasting fifteen minutes is good enough t
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
The threat level from Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Great Britain is raised from moderate to substantial - meaning an attack is "a strong possibility".
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Monday, 9 May 2016
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Web Design Services - What, why and how (selling to local businesses) - My Computer Repair Blog
Web Design Services - What, why and how (selling to local businesses) >>
Exclusive: U.S.-funded Somali intelligence agency has been using kids as spies
By Kevin Sieff,. MOGADISHU, Somalia — For years they were children at war, boys given rifles and training by al-Qaeda-backed militants and sent to the front lines of this country's bloody conflict. Many had been kidnapped from schools and soccer fields and forced to fight.
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Social Bookmarking Software 2016 – Discover the best social bookmarking software in 2016

So What Is Social Robot? SSocial Robot is a brand new social bookmarking tools that boosts it can rank a Youtube video on page one of Google within 48 hours. That's a big claim so how does it do it? It claims it will syndicate your content to over 500+ high quality social bookmarking…
Friday, 6 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Right, please someone explain to me the logic behind this "inspirational" quote? If my arse was m…
Right, please someone explain to me the logic behind this "inspirational" quote?
If my arse was made of glass, would I dump less? /smh
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Creating Your Ultimate eBay Poster Company
The poster market on Amazon and eBay has grown exponentially. Many people believe these posters are purchased from a wholesaler and then resold under their own business. This is one way to go; however, Posters For Profit offers an even better system. What Is Profit From Posters? This business is comprised of making your...
The post Creating Your Ultimate eBay Poster Company appeared first on Prepper Daily News.
from Prepper Daily News
via Daily Prepper News
Creating Your Ultimate eBay Poster Company
The poster market on Amazon and eBay has grown exponentially. Many people believe these posters are purchased from a wholesaler and then resold under their own business. This is one way to go; however, Posters For Profit offers an even better system....
#ProfitfromPostersReview #EasyAuctionIncome3Review
#ProfitfromPostersReview #EasyAuctionIncome3Review
Check out Easy Auction Income 3.0 here: #EasyAuctionIncome3Review #ProfitFromPostersReview
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
h/t +Alan Lovejoy. I've wondered on a few occasions lately why I no longer say much against rel…
h/t +Alan Lovejoy.
I've wondered on a few occasions lately why I no longer say much against religious beliefs when I have regarded myself as an atheist since my early 20's.
I used to be very vocal and opinionated on the subject until a few years back. Now I tend to back off when I see religious discussions.
I suspect now that the reason is the same as +Alan Lovejoy's below. I really do see the statism cult as a far greater threat than any individual with a personal belief.
Should I regard statism in the same way as religion? No religion has forced me to give them money. People who do give do so voluntarily. Statism uses force whether you agree with its rules or not. 51% != correct.
Fuck the state, fuck your flag and fuck your collectivist mob rule.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
New Study Shows Mass Surveillance Breeds Meekness, Fear and Self-Censorship
This has always been intuitively clear. Now, there is mounting empirical evidence proving it.