Friday, 31 July 2015

“Prep or Private” with Canadian Prepper

In this episode of "Prep or Private", I am very excited to have YouTuber Canadian as my special guest. In this interview segment, I ask Canadian Prepper alternating questions; Prepping related or private question. I hope you enjoy watching this episode of Prep or Private featuring Canadian Prepper

The Immortal


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"Prep or Private" with Canadian Prepper

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Video Proof: Feds Post Letters Identifying Preppers As Potential Terrorists: “Individuals or groups making bulk purchases…”


In 2011 Rand Paul stood on the floor of Congress and . To criticisms of sensationalism and embellishment, Paul noted that Federal laws on the books characterize those who have guns, seven days worth of food or ammunition in their homes as potential terrorists.

Know good and well that some day there could be a government in power that is shipping its citizens off for disagreements… Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist.

If you are suspected by these activities do you want the government to have the ability to send you to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention?

It was a shocking statement and one that was dismissed as the rantings of another right-wing extremist who just so happened to be a Senator.

But footage posted by shows that not only was Rand Paul’s assessment accurate, it only brushed the surface of what domestic intelligence agencies consider suspicious or terroristic activity.  According to the report, a WWN journalist with camera in hand visited local businesses to acquire video evidence of various government signage. What he found was shocking:

New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature.

Surplus store in Auburn, NY tell us how a state trooper put up a flyer in their window which encourages customers to call the New York State Terrorism Tips Line to report this ‘suspicious activity’ under the as part of the “See Something, Say Something” campaign.

The sign in question, as well as the accompanying letter to the local business, can be seen in the video below.

New York State law enforcement has been communicating with communicating with a widerange of corporations, businesses and industries throughout the state… With this program the Office of Counterterrorism seeks to establish a procedure that may be helpful in reporting information and circumstances that appear unusual or suspicious to you, your employees or members of your respective professional association…

Individuals or groups making bulk purchases of items including weathproof ammunition, match containers, MRE’s, night vision equipment, night flashlights, gas masks…

As noted by Washington Weekly News, all of these items are legal to purchase, yet citizens who see you doing so are urged to report your activities to law enforcement officials or the Department of Homeland Security.

What’s curious is that the very government telling people to spy on their fellow countrymen has itself been engaging in these same activities through the acquisition of massive amounts of Meals-Ready-To-Eat, guns, billions of rounds of ammunition, gas masks, riot gear, and a host of other across the country.

Moreover, they have been actively and civil unrest scenarios, including the Jade Helm 15 exercises that are reportedly designed to “Master the Human Domain,” an operation that involves training military personnel for the .

In fact, according to one Texas Ranger, the Federal government already has , complete with shackles, ready to detain and transport prisoners.

The connection is clear – the government is asking citizens to rat each other out so that they can be , and should a national emergency ever be declared, individuals and their families could be rounded up under .

And if people like General Wesley Clark have their way, they’ll be or worse.

They, as in operational managers at the highest level of government, know what is coming. They have spent trillions of dollars on everything from to the stockpiles that are being hidden away in them.

These facts cannot be disputed.

This implies that a catastrophic event of some sort is believed by the government’s emergency planning apparatus to be imminent.

Thus, despite the continued marginalization of those who are sounding the alarm bells, we maintain that Americans need to be preparing for a worst case scenario that could potentially , our , and essentially bring life in America the way we have come to know it to a destructive end.

Prepare now – and – because whatever it is that they are planning for could be extremely serious and long-term.

Also Read:


Video Proof: Feds Post Letters Identifying Preppers As Potential Terrorists: “Individuals or groups making bulk purchases…”

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Hand and Surface Hygiene When There’s No Water to Spare

Hand and Surface Hygiene When There's No Water to Spare | Backdoor Survival

Much has been written about the need for drinking water in a survival situation.  And luckily, most people have gotten the message and either store extra water in barrels, have cases or jugs of bottled water, or have a source of fresh water that can be made ready for drinking with filters, chemicals, or bleach.

Not as frequently mentioned, although of equal importance, is the need to have water to use for washing your hands.  The use of good old-fashioned soap and water is the tried and true way to get rid of the germs lurking in our environment.  In fact, the to get rid of disease-causing bacteria, and .

But what if there’s no water to spare?

There are some situations during which water could be so scarce that every drop must be used for consumption.

Hand and Surface Hygiene When There's No Water to Spare | Backdoor Survival

Cleanliness doesn’t have to go by the wayside.

The good news is that there is an arsenal of other products that can be used to exterminate those nasty microbes and maintain good hand and surface hygiene when there’s no water to spare for anything other than drinking purposes.

Hand Sanitizer:  Alcohol based kill 99% of bacteria on contact.  These gels are inexpensive, light weight, have a long shelf life and are cinch to use.  For maximum effectiveness, apply the hand sanitizer to one palm then rub hands together until they are dry, making sure you cover all parts of your hands and fingers.

What’s not to like?  Well, for one thing, you need to know what you are using.  Look carefully at the label before you purchase a hand sanitizer and make sure the active ingredients include ethyl alcohol, ethanol, isopropanol, or some other variation of these item.  The other important thing is to make  sure that whichever of those alcohols is listed, its concentration is between 60 and 95 percent. Less than that isn’t enough to be effective.

Beware, also of homemade hand sanitizers.  Unless the concentration of alcohol is 60% or more, don’t count on it for protection.

There’s quite a buzz about our zeal for antibacterial hand sanitizers actually causing more issues with our immune systems than they solve, as bacteria evolve and become resistant to the chemicals. I believe that’s true for chronic users of hand sanitizer in normal times, but in a scenario during which you can’t practice normal hand hygiene or there is a contagious illness going around, hand sanitizers can be vital to your continued health.

Moist Hand Towelettes:  Those little towelettes that come in individually wrapped packets are great in that you can carry them in a pocket, a wallet, or even tucked in to your hiking boots.  Just make sure that the active ingredient meets the 60% or more alcohol criteria.  One of my favorites are these from .

Warning:  These towelettes do have a shelf life. This is due to the packaging.  The last thing you want to do is to store away a case of these little packets for SHTF only to open one up and find it is dried up. Or worse, it may clean your hands but not get rid of the germs.  A good rule of thumb is that they will stay viable for two years.  Keep that in mind if you are purchasing in quantity.

Antibacterial Soap: Nope. Don’t pay extra for antibacterial soaps.  They are no better than regular soap and are rumored to promote bacterial resistance.  Colleen Rogers, , said, ” In fact, there currently is no evidence that over-the-counter (OTC) antibacterial soap products are any more effective at preventing illness than washing with plain soap and water.”  Why spend the extra money?

In a crisis, it isn’t just our hands that will need to be cleaned. Food preparation areas, toilet or latrine seats, and frequently touched places like door knobs, for example, are all places where germs and disease can lurk. Here are some options for cleaning those surfaces.

Household Disinfectant Wipes:  I am not a big fan of household disinfectant wipes. They are expensive and also environmentally unfriendly, since they are typically over packaged and are good for a single use only.  These wipes remove bacteria but do not kill it.  That means if you use a wipe on a germy surface, it needs to be tossed immediately, since  using it again on a second surface would merely spread the germs around. Despite the shortcomings, in a completely grid down scenario, these wipes can be useful.

Bleach:  For general household sanitation, chlorine bleach is a winner.  A good dilution is about 3/4 of a teaspoon per quart of water.  More than that is a waste and not necessarily better.  Just be careful or you might accidentally tie dye your clothing, your towels, and your carpeting with splatters of bleach.  Also be sure to rinse well since bleach is very caustic.

Tip:  Pour some bleach in to a refillable, leak proof squeeze bottle and keep it under your sink.  You can easily mix up a batch of bleach and water in a small cup for immediate use without fear of drips or spills – and without a lot of waste.

Vinegar:  The Heinz corporation says that straight 5% vinegar will kill 80% of the germs and virus. Heinz says they can’t make the claim on the bottle that it kills bacteria because of the EPA laws.  As silly as it seems, the EPA requires disinfectants to be registered as a pesticide.  Still, in a survival situation, vinegar is great to have on hand since it can be used in many different ways.  It is less caustic than bleach and does not loose potency over time.

Essential Oils:  Many have potent anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.  This includes readily available lavender, oregano, melaleuca (tea tree), and lemon essential oils.  These oils can be mixed in a salve or with some witch hazel or aloe vera gel to produce an effective hand sanitizer.  For more information, read .

OK, I get it.  We need to sanitize.  But what about those germs?

Germs are found all over the world, in all kinds of places. The four major types are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.

Not all germs will make us sick but a lot of them are detrimental to our health and some may even cause death.  Here is a simple primer.

Bacteria: These are tiny, one-celled creatures that get nutrients from their environments in order to live. In some cases that environment is a human body. Bacteria can reproduce outside of the body or within the body as they cause infections. Some illnesses from infectious bacteria include sore throats (tonsillitis or strep throat), ear infections, cavities, and pneumonia.  To further complicate things. not all bacteria are bad. For example, good bacteria live in our intestines and help us use the nutrients in the food we eat and make waste from what’s left over.

Viruses:  A virus needs to be inside living cells to grow and reproduce. The place where a virus lives is called a “host”. In both humans and animals, viruses can get inside the body where they grow and spread, causing sickness.  Viruses cause chickenpox, measles, flu, and many other diseases.

Fungi:  These are multi-celled, plant-like organisms that get their nutrition from plants, people, and animals. They like to live in damp, warm places, and while many fungi are not dangerous to healthy people, they can still cause health problems. An example of something caused by fungi is athlete’s foot.

Protozoa:  These are one-cell organisms that love moisture and often spread diseases through water. Some protozoa cause intestinal infections that lead to diarrhea, nausea, and belly pain.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa – a motley crew that is best avoided if you want to maintain your health in a less than sanitary, survival situation. The very best way to avoid these germs is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds.  But if water, or soap  is not available, please use hand sanitizer, wipes, rubbing alcohol or even some bleach and water to clean your hands.

Do it every time you cough or sneeze, before you eat or prepare foods, after you use the bathroom, after dealing with hygiene for children (wiping or diaper changes), after you touch animals or pets, and after you touch objects in a public place.

Good hygiene can protect you from disease

When public utilities and sanitation systems go down, germs breed and spread rapidly.  Remember Katrina?  What about the Haiti earthquake?  Maintaining your personal cleanliness and hygiene is going to be key to ensuring your safety, your health, and your ability to fend for yourself.

But even more important is the need to make keeping your hands clean a habit day in and day out.  Everyday.  The movie   notwithstanding, the likelihood of a global pandemic is real.  It happened for centuries with Smallpox, it happened in 1918 with the Spanish flu, and in more recent times, it happened with SARS, the swine H1N1 flu, and Ebola.  Who’s to say when it will happen again?

In a true pandemic, a virus can infect people on every continent with lightening speed,  In the United States, we would like to think that CDC and our nation’s top security agencies will have protocols in place when that happens but push come to shove, we cannot rely on that level of support.

It is really up to you to be prepared and increase your chance of survival by practicing good hygiene and stocking up on hand sanitizers, bleach, and sanitizing towelettes now.  Get used to washing your hands frequently and be sure to incorporate other sanitation methods into your daily life so that they become a habit.

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The Final Word

Steering clear of the things that can spread germs is the best way to protect yourself. But when contact with germs, and what I call the cooties, is unavoidable, being prepared is your best line of defense.

This topic is so important that I write about it often and each time I do, my research brings fresh insight to the far-reaching topic of hand and surface hygiene. One thing is certain.  If the world goes to heck, I am going to do my darnedest to avoid germs and remain healthy.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

If you enjoyed this article, consider voting for Backdoor Survival daily at Websites!  In addition,   and receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book .

Bargain Bin: Below you will find some links to hand sanitizers plus a couple of other items that I can heartily recommend.  As you shop for hand sanitizers, be sure to check the total price with shipping if applicable.  Sometimes a low price is not such a great deal if the shipping is not free.  On the other hand, sometimes the price plus shipping is less than the price of a “free shipping” item.  Not to belabor the point, but I do want you to be aware.

: One wipe was more than enough for a complete “bath”. These are a good backup when traditional showers are not available such as the week or weeks following a disaster. Also good for camping, boating, hiking and such.  To read more, see  .

: This stuff leaves your skin feeling fresh and clean with a delicate scent.

: This product has great reviews and lots of positive testimonials. Alas, it did not work for me.

:  I use essential oils from Spark Naturals.  For healing purposes, I feel they are superior.  On the other hand, NOW Foods has decent essential oils at a budget price from Amazon.  Here are a few to consider:  , , and .

:  This is the brand I use; you simply cannot beat the price.

: Alcohol based hand sanitizer gels kill 99% of bacterial on contact.  They are inexpensive and easy to use.

:  I prefer individually wrapped sanitizing wipes because they are easy to carry in a pocket, back or travel kit.  As long as they meet the 60% or more alcohol criteria, the brand should not be important. Note however, that packets such as these have a limited shelf-live; two years max.

: This book teaches how to deal with all the likely medical issues you will face in a disaster situation, including strategies to keep your family healthy even in the worse scenarios. It covers skills such as performing a physical exam, transporting the injured patient, and even how to suture a wound. This medical reference belongs in every survival library.


For over 25 years Emergency Essentials has been providing the highest quality preparedness products at great prices.  Plus, each month they feature sales that quite honestly are fantastic.

One of my favorite picks this month is the which is on sale for $17.99 for a #10 tin.  There are also some fantastic sales on MREs, fruit combos, and other Mountain House products.


Need something from Amazon (and who doesn’t)? I earn a small commission from purchases made when you begin your . You still get great Amazon service and the price is the same, no matter what.

Amazon has a feature called . This is an easy tool for finding products that people are ‘wishing” for and in this way you know what the top products are.  All you need to do is select the category from the left hand side of the screen.

Help support Backdoor Survival. Purchases earn a small commission and for that I thank you!


has their Essential 4 Pack in a larger, 15ml size.  The kit includes, , , (Tea Tree) and .

Normally these four amazing oils would cost you $63.45 but this kit is only $49.99.  By  using the 10% coupon code “” your cost will be reduced to only $44.99.

Of course the standard size is still available for $19.99 less your 10% discount.

by Gaye Levy first appeared on .

Hand and Surface Hygiene When There’s No Water to Spare

from Prepper Daily News
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Buried In Berries!

Today we present another article in Bobcat-

Warning – Positively identify any food in the wild as safe before collecting. Some berries that are dark purple (like pokeberry) or black (like nightshade) are TOXIC.”

I have been hiking and running around an abandoned 16 acre field near my home for the last year for exercise, and this spring I started paying attention to some familiar spouts popping up – raspberry and blackberry canes. That got me thinking about how much my family likes fresh berries, and the high cost of them at the...


Buried In Berries!

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Do Preppers Really Need to Know Wilderness Survival Skills? – 7/30/15

Do Preppers Really Need to Know Wilderness Survival Skills? – 7/30/15

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Letter Re: Raising Meat Rabbits


This is just a note to let you know that three years ago, based on information obtained on SurvivalBlog, my daughter stopped using commercial pellets to feed her pedigreed silver fox rabbits. I gave her an article about all the things you can eat from your yard. Two hours later, she had found most of them in our yard and decided to feed her rabbits that way. Since then, she harvests clover, wild strawberry, dandelion, mulberry, sorel, wild violet, and much more from about six yards in the neighborhood that use no chemicals. She supplements in winter with bales of alfalfa and BOSS, so the rabbits are fed 100% natural food, about 80% locally grown. Her rabbitry is small, with one litter at a time, and no more than two dozen total mouths to feed. – M.E.

Letter Re: Raising Meat Rabbits

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The Importance and Art of Fire-making, by N.P.

Obviously, being able to make a fire in a SHTF scenario is of utmost importance. In addition to providing warmth and cooking capabilities, fire also provides a psychological boost.

As an avid outdoorsman, who is originally from Canada, I’ve got a lot of experience and training, but I’m by no means claiming to be an expert. I just want to share some of my findings that may prove useful to others. I have several stories about the importance of fire-making. Here’s an example:

I was in the Boreal Forest in Canada and noticed a large billboard containing the writing “Nature Trail” and a map of the trail, which went in a 1-mile circle. I thought I’d love to learn more about plants so decided to take the trail.

I had two bags of groceries in my truck, along with my camping gear. It was only a mile, so I figured I’d be only gone 30 minutes. Well, the end never came. It started getting dark, so I started jogging in hope to reach the end quicker. As darkness fell, I soon realized that I was lost.

The temperature was getting cold, but that didn’t stop the mosquitoes; there were ungodly swarms of them eating me alive. All I had to make a fire was a dead Bic lighter. Thank God someone once showed me a trick with a ! If it’s dead and you hold down the valve and then make the spark, a very tiny flame will result. With that I was barely able to start a fire, which helped keep the mosquitoes away and warm me up. I heated up a bunch of large rocks, put my jacket over my face and arms to keep the mosquitoes away, and covered my body with the rocks to keep warm. They were still warm to the touch when I woke up in the morning.

When I finally found my way out, I asked the locals about that nature trail. They said, “Oh sorry; that isn’t finished yet. You were on trapper trails that go for a hundred miles north!”

Anyhow, that’s one example of the importance of knowing how to start a fire. Fire-making is almost an art. It’s a near impossible art when the wood is wet. Even when you think that you’ll be able to start a fire because you stacked good wood correctly, it’s not guaranteed, depending on wind, oxygen availability, the wood, and other variables.

This is what happened to me the other day. I put a large pile of tinder down and then stacked some thicker pieces on top; I figured this will be easy. It wasn’t, and is the reason I’m writing this article. I landed up using a poor man’s fire starter. Previously, in the winter (for my wood stove), I went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of those , some , and . You dip a cotton ball in the jelly, and stuff it in the paper tube, until it’s filled. These beauties work awesome. The one I used in the aforementioned fire burnt for fifteen minutes! With that fire, I had to stoke it with tinder several times before I was able to get some logs to burn; it had rained a day prior and the wood was waterlogged, even though it appeared dry.

When I go camping though, I prefer the small plastic pouches that have a fire starter chemical in them, because the cotton ball starters are a little messy.

The absolute best wood to use in starting a fire is dried out pine needles, you know, the brown ones. The first internal combustion engine was powered by and , which is made from pine. It’s no wonder; it burns like gasoline! I had a fire recently that was easy to get started, because I had a few pine boughs that had been drying for months. It ignited like gasoline, and putting larger branches on top, it was a no brainer. I believe we could get off of our reliance on oil by harvesting the oil in pine leaves instead.

Another ideal fuel starter is . However, you need to be careful not to kill the tree by taking the bark off. Only take the bark that is already peeling off. It naturally repels water. If hiking and you spot some, put some in your pocket in case you need a fire starter.

Dry grass is the easiest to light (pine needles take more heat to get started).

If your kindling is wet, use a pocket knife to cut off the outside layer and make shavings on the stick. (Don’t cut the shaving all the way; but leave the shaving hanging on the branch.) According to , if you find wood oozing with sap, you can use that too, although I’ve never had the occasion to try that. My recent experience with starting a fire with wet wood resulted in the fire initially raging successfully but then dying out later.

Softwoods (i.e. fir, apple, and witch hazel) burn quickly and give off good heat and lighting. They make sparks when they burn. They are ideal for starting a fire and cooking rapidly. The wood is quickly burned up, leaving only ashes.

Hardwoods (i.e. birch, hickory, ash, maple, and oak) burn slowly and evenly, giving off heat and also result in coals that can be used to cook over.

The trick to fire-building is to build the fire beginning with tinder and steadily adding twigs, sticks, and branches, but really, fire-making is an art form, even with years of experience. I still have trouble occasionally. Not enough space or too much space between the sticks or logs can put the fire out. With too much smoke, the same thing happens. Too much moisture, well, causes it too. The environmental conditions make a huge difference. I’ve tried tepee style fires, log home type stacking, and just plain randomness. Basing my decision on the conditions is what I’ve settled with. Every time I start a fire I usually have a unique configuration. However, proper construction beforehand has proven reliable too. Strategic blowing of air onto the fire to help fuel it is mandatory in wet conditions. Also, in a wet environment, once the fire is burning robustly, keeping it fueled in a robust burning condition will ensure that your fire is not extinguished, unless you’re under a torrential down pour, in which case you should give your fire shelter.

I was in Boy Scouts (even did winter camping in Canada), and they teach you for winter conditions to build a “Reflector” out of logs to reflect the heat from your fire into your shelter. Well, I tried that when winter camping for nine days in -30+ degrees Fahrenheit in Canada. We made a lean-to with a fire in front and a reflector (wall of logs) behind the fire. It didn’t work; we froze. What saved us was my partner had a great idea to instead build a teepee out of a . are awesome! You build a fire on the floor in the center, and the little hole at the top of the tee-pee sucks out the smoke. Though better off, we were still cold, which was resolved when we made a stove out of metal pails that we found at a garbage dump. After we built that, it was toasty warm in the tepee. However, it required constant firewood chopping all day to stay warm. It was a full-time job to chop enough wood. I’ve heard that to have enough wood, multiply by five the amount you think you need. Respecting nature, I always try to find dead fall wood, which there usually is in abundance, except sometimes you may need to travel a distance.

Just for fun, I’ll share another experience where fire was my best friend. I was in the Canadian forest in minus 30 degree temperatures once again. My truck wouldn’t start, and there was no one around for 100 miles. The battery was so cold that it couldn’t crank the engine. So what did I do? I built a fire under the truck by the battery. I managed the size of the flames so that it wouldn’t start the truck on fire! I didn’t think it would work, because I had no tarps to keep out the wind, but it did, thank God! That time I had a fully-functioning BIC lighter!

Although the subject is not about tools to start a fire, here’s a exactly on that subject.

As far as tools go, there’s nothing like the good old reliable ! My friend from Iowa taught me a great trick regarding . There is nothing worse than needing a lighter; it’s , but the flint runs out! His trick, which is amazingly simple, is to put a or two beneath the felt cover flap, sitting on top of the . It’s awesome. You’ll always have a spare flint that way.

The Importance and Art of Fire-making, by N.P.

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‘Terror’ Watchlists Erasing American Rights: Feds to “Revoke Passports Without Charge or Trial”

US Passport - Enemy Expatriation Act

Another small step for authoritarian bureaucracy, another massive leap forward in the destruction of Americans rights to due process and full protection under the law.

Increasingly, designations on watchlists, but official and unofficial, are replacing due process of suspicion, investigation, arrest, charge and trial, and skipping ahead to simply blacklist individuals and deny them equal rights.

This time, the legislation centers around passports, which would now be revoked upon any suspicion, whatsoever and despite a lack of evidence of wrongdoing, of links to foreign terrorists groups. But these links to ‘terrorism’ are not legally defined or limited, nor do they result as a penalty for criminal convictions, but from being added to a list. Gestapo, anyone?


A bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives would allow the government to restrict Americans’ travel through the revocation of passports based upon mere suspicions of unscrupulous activity. This bill represents another dangerous step forward in the war on terror and the disintegration of American due process.

H.R. 237, the “FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization) Passport Revocation Act of 2015,” will allow the U.S. Secretary of State the unchecked authority to prohibit individuals from traveling internationally. According to the bill, the Secretary may unilaterally revoke (or refuse to issue) a passport from “any individual whom the Secretary has determined has aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped an organization the Secretary has designated as a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189).”

The bill did not bother to define what the terms “aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped” actually mean, in legal terms.
The power has been left open-ended so that it can mean whatever the secretary wants it to mean. Needless to say, a bill like this would be easily abused.

The travel restriction requires no presumption of innocence for the targeted individual; no explanation; no public presentation of evidence; no opportunity for a defense; no checks and balances on the power. The bill does not outline any appeals process for the targeted individual. The only stipulation is that the Secretary of State must issue a report to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs — “classified or unclassified.” The bill does not state that either committee can reverse the secretary’s decisions.

In over the top language, the bill’s sponsor Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) vows to go after “turned Americans” and subjecting them to a legal status backwards enough to predate the Magna Carta:

“The House has now acted to locate and contain these traitors,” Rep. Poe said in a press release. “These Benedict Arnold traitors who have turned against America and joined the ranks of foreign radical terrorist armies should lose all rights afforded to our citizens.”

Poe’s statement about “losing all rights” is rather startling, considering that about half of the Bill of Rights is explicitly written to protect people suspected of crimes from being abused by overzealous government! The dangers of a government wantonly revoking the rights of citizens just because the a bureaucrat puts them on a list would be severe indeed; fitting of a police state. Recall that these individuals can be targeted without even facing official charges of wrongdoing.

If trying to defend”freedom”, he has missed the point.

If owing allegiance to the fascist oligarchy, then be warned. Anyone deemed an “enemy” of the state, rightly or wrongly, has been targeted, while the entire population has been designated a potential enemy, monitored for suspicion and “examples.”

Poe’s bill is in close keeping with Sen. Lindsay Graham’s stunning endorsement of the NDAA, adamantly stating that “enemy combatants” do not get American rights, and do not get a lawyer, regardless of birthplace.

Consider what this could mean in cases where the person of interest is not a suspected member of ISIS, but a suspected patriot/militia/Constitutionalist/sovereign citizen. Can you be stripped of your rights for criticizing your leaders or speaking out about issues?

Already, millions of Americans have been placed on watchlists; many have found themselves denied the right to travel or participate in other activities, and , even if they were placed on the list by mistake, or if they were placed there without any legal charge of wrongdoing.

These concepts, even if cheered on in the context of fighting a terrorist enemy, are poorly defined and inviting abuse, and speeding up the destruction of our rights.

‘Terror’ Watchlists Erasing American Rights: Feds to “Revoke Passports Without Charge or Trial”

from Prepper Daily News
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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Notes for Friday – July 31, 2015

31 July is the 93rd birthday of Army Air Corps veteran , one of just . He lives in Missoula, Montana.

31 July is also the birthday of (born 1912, died November 16, 2006).

o o o

More moving sales from Camping Survival: .

o o o

Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the . The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include:

First Prize:

  1. A Three Day Course Certificate, good for (a $1,195 value),
  2. A course certificate from . This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795,
  3. is providing a with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with your own AR lower. It will allow any standard AR type rifle to have quick change barrel, which can be assembled in less than one minute without the use of any tools, and a compact carry capability in a hard case or 3-day pack (an $1,100 value),
  4. is providing 20 Magpul pmags 30rd Magazines (a value of $300) and a . (An equivalent prize will be awarded for residents in states with magazine restrictions.),
  5. , courtesy of (a $350 value),
  6. A pre-selected assortment of military surplus gear from (a $300 value),
  7. A provided by (a $340 value),
  8. A $300 gift certificate from ,
  9. A $250 gift certificate from ,
  10. is donating both an and a with a combined retail value of $304,
  11. is providing a $300 gift certificate, and
  12. Two cases of meals, , courtesy of (a $180 value).

Second Prize:

  1. A and a , courtesy of , which have a combined retail value of $589,
  2. A FloJak EarthStraw “Code Red” 100-foot well pump system (a $500 value), courtesy of ,
  3. is donating a non-GMO, non-hybrid vegetable seed package–enough for two families of four, seed storage materials, a CD-ROM of Geri Guidetti’s book “Build Your Ark! How to Prepare for Self Reliance in Uncertain Times”, and two bottles of Potassium Iodate– a $325 retail value,
  4. A $250 gift card from ,
  5. Twenty Five books, of the winners choice, of any books published by (a $270 value),
  6. is providing a $150 gift certificate, and
  7. is providing a $300 gift certificate to their site.

Third Prize:

  1. A , courtesy of (a $275 value),
  2. A large handmade clothes drying rack, a washboard, and a Homesteading for Beginners DVD, all courtesy of , with a combined value of $206,
  3. Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by (a $185 retail value),
  4. Two , a $150 value, courtesy of ,
  5. is donating a $200 gift certificate for homesteading appliances,
  6. is donating a $250 purchase credit,
  7. is donating a (a $249 value), and
  8. Two 1,000-foot spools of full mil-spec U.S.-made 750 paracord (in-stock colors only) from (a $240 value).

Round 59 ends on July 31st, so get busy writing and us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

Notes for Friday – July 31, 2015

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Prepper Properties (EP#4) Big Houses, Bigger Cave, Epic Adventure!

In this video I meet up with Kevin in Morristown,TN to view two amazing properties with a secret.......a CAVE!!! This is one of the best adventures I have been on in a long time when it comes to prepping. These property's would make someone a great urban homestead with the best of both worlds. Below is the info for both Houses and Kevin's contact information.
Brick House#1
White House#2
For more information contact Kevin or for more pictures of the houses
If you have Land or a retreat that you would like to have developed please feel free to contact me for private contracting development:

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Prepper Properties (EP#4) Big Houses, Bigger Cave, Epic Adventure!

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UK Preppers Surviving Armageddon Plan clip10

UK Preppers Surviving Armageddon Plan clip10

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Bugging Out: What to Know Before You Go! 19 Tips for Preppers for SHTF Escape Planning! :)

Bugging Out - 19 Tips for s for SHTF Escape Planning:
1. Know your routes.
2. Have multiple forms of travel. (car, bike, foot, zodiac etc.)
3. Preload car with bug out bag
4. Bury caches along routs.
5. Know your final destination.
6. Lay low and blend in.
7. Choose off roads, back roads etc.
8. Sleep in a different location than you cook your food or build a fire.
9. Have back up fuel on the car.
10. Keep bug out vehicle maintained and full of gas.
11. Know when it is time to go.
12.Learn to use maps, compass, star navigation
13. Expect to get lost forced off route.
14.Avoid ridge lines and tops of hills.
15. Have alternative bug out locations in mind if the first one does not pan out.
16. Practice you bug out plan with your family.
17. Know where water, food, fuel can be found along your bug out routes.
18. Be prepared for interactions with others.
19. Be prepared someone may have already pillaged for bug out location or has already set up camp there.

Link to video on ideas of what to put in your bug out bag :)
Bug Out Bag Essentials for Preppers

To your health, longevity and peace of mind,
The Healthy Prepper :-)

You Tube Channel:
Google Plus:
Amazon Store: to find many hard to find prepping items.

Comments: I am thoroughly intrigued by your thoughts and ideas! I welcome all comments. They inspire me and keep me thinking! Together we build better mousetraps :) !!


Bugging Out: What to Know Before You Go! 19 Tips for Preppers for SHTF Escape Planning! :)

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Prepper Book Festival 9: Shotguns: A Comprehensive Guide + Giveaway

Shotguns A Comprehensive Guide | Backdoor Survival

When it comes to firearms, I admit to being a rank novice.  Even though I have had quite a bit of training, it has not been enough and I am smart enough to know it.  That being said, I do make an attempt to practice at the range whenever I can and in between I read and study.

Currently I am learning about shotguns. I have never used a shotgun so this next book in Book Festival 9 is quickly bringing me up to speed.  is the third volume in the PrepSmart series and like the others, it is a well written manual designed to educate and teach.  It is geared toward survival which makes it perfect for preppers.

Shotguns A Comprehensive Guide | Backdoor Survival

The author, Steve Markwith has a knack for explaining the more technical aspects of shotguns in a language that even a novice (like me) can understand.    Almost every page of Shotguns has photos which I consider a real bonus.

Steve is here today for his first Backdoor Survival interview.  In addition I have a copy of the print version of up for grabs in a giveaway.  Enjoy the interview and then check in below to learn about the giveaway.

Interview with Steve Markwith, Author of SHOTGUNS A Comprehensive Guide

Tell me about your book. What is it about?

“The book” is really a series of Prepper-based firearms publications.

The first edition; “” lays groundwork related to a practical assemblage of firearms. Guiding principles include reliability, availability of parts and ammunition, ease of maintenance, simplicity, common function, and affordability. This book starts with a hard look at safety and storage methods.

The various firearm types are also explored, ammunition is examined, and a ballistic tutorial helps clear up many misconceptions. Emphasis is placed on a survival mindset, tempered by reality.

While personal limits play a role, Murphy’s Law and KISS are two key principles relevant to everyone. Bottom line: anything that can go wrong will, so simple is good when things turn ugly. A “systems” approach is espoused whereby, as much as is possible, all firearms share similar function. The combination of familiar equipment, relevant training and ongoing practice translate to true competency.

Subsequent editions focus on specific weapon types in a prioritized sequence. The second edition, “” is dedicated to a versatile defensive and subsistence tool, which few folks fully understand.

The third edition covers a useful training tool/provider: the rimfire rifle. The fourth examines the intriguing world of quiet, precision airguns. Upcoming books will address centerfire rifles; and last but not least, handguns.

Each type is part of a coordinated procurement strategy. Remember; the actual firearm constitutes only some of its overall cost, which also encompasses accessories, ammunition and gear. By sorting through the key pieces, an affordable inventory can be developed to meet our practical needs.

While a well thought out firearms collection can cover many bases, readers needn’t feel any obligation to go this route. Not all folks are gun people and some, whether out of choice or necessity, may opt for a bare-bones approach. In fact, one carefully chosen firearm can cover many needs without breaking the bank. The first two editions should help point such people in the right direction. The other books will be useful if future expansion is desired.

What type of research did you have to do while writing your book?

Although I did my fair share, much of what the readers will see is based on experience managing firearms operations. Constant range time involves lots of shooters; along with firearms and equipment. It provides a great opportunity to see what works – and also what doesn’t. However, I have definitely spent time researching the availability of products, including their variations and costs.

How long did it take to write?

Well, right now two books are out; two more are in final composition; and another two are nearing completion. Besides lots of information, they contain plenty of photos. In other words, the process has been quite time-consuming. At this point (July, 2015), I’ve been on it for around a year and a half.

Every book, fiction and non-fiction, includes a message. What message do you hope my readers will take with them after reading your book?

First, that firearms ownership requires relentless attention to safe handling, as well as secure storage.

Second, since we’re probably not Rambo, “tacti-cool” choices aren’t necessarily our best ones. A dose of adrenaline, when mixed in with a complex system and marginal training, can result in a situation that ends badly. Many of us would be much better off with simpler designs, in deference to realities like limited practice opportunities.

Third, by believing in Murphy’s Law, we’ll understand that anything which can go wrong will go wrong – at the worst possible moment. Solid skill-sets are good insurance. Like an experienced driver in the midst of a skid, complete attention can be directed towards the hazard. Manipulation of any controls must be second nature so, like brake and gas pedals; it helps if they’re in familiar locations.

Bottom line: extra bells and whistles are spiffy but, when it comes down to practical firearm choices, much like prune juice, moderation helps. In either case your comfort level will be better.

Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

I started shooting in my pre-teen years, on a junior rifle team. I was reloading shotgun shells by the time I was fourteen, at which point I was actively hunting. A couple of Army combat tours provided much insight on how to get killed – or nearly so – by unpleasant people.

Eventually, I assumed control of firearms operations for a large state agency, a position I held for more than twenty-five years. That profession, as well as constant sport shooting, provided valuable opportunities to evaluate firearms; equipment; training; and tactics. Having a number of great industry contacts and cadre didn’t hurt.

Eventually, I started writing on the side when opportunity permitted. Not too surprisingly, all of the published work has been related to hunting or shooting. Besides defensive topics, black-powder; arrows; and airgun pellets make the list. The freezer is normally full and it’s a rare day when something doesn’t go bang.

As an author in the survival, prepping and/or homesteading niche, what are you personally preparing for?

Given our global uncertainty it could be just about anything, natural disasters aside.

Shelter will always be important, and mobility could be necessary. Beyond water, three new standard forms of currency could be food, fuel, and ammo. The latter is my niche.

What would be your first prep-step if you were just getting started?

I’d hit the Prepper sites, invest in some books, and do a personal assessment.

Concerning defense and subsistence, the firearms series should help. From there try connecting to a local gun club. Most offer firearms safety courses that will cover the basics. From there, establish the goal of traveling to formalized training.

Do you have plans for another book?

The last two in the six-book series are keeping me busy at the moment, but time will tell…

Is there anything else you would like to share with my readers?

Thanks very much for the opportunity to share a few thoughts. As for the firearms subject, please commit to doing things right. As we all know, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Be responsible and plan ahead…

The Giveaway

Steve Markwith has reserved a copy of for this Book Festival Giveaway.  In addition, he has provided today’s giveaway question.

The deadline is 6:00 PM Pacific Tuesday with the winner notified by email and announced on the Rafflecopter in the article.  Please note that the winner must claim their book within 48 hours or an alternate will be selected.

Note:  If you are having difficulty with the Rafflecopter, attempt to clear your browser cache to see if that helps.  Instructions are here:  .  If that does not work, contact support at

The Final Word

As much as I would like to say I am well prepped when it comes to both home and personal defensive weapons, the truth is that I am not.  Sure, I have the gear, but my knowledge and skills have a long way to go before I can label myself “proficient”.

Steve’s first two books, including , and are valuable additions to the prepper library and I am honored to be able to present them for your consideration.

In closing, let us all take a cue from Steve and be responsible, plan ahead, and continue to keep the door of knowledge open.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

If you enjoyed this article, consider voting for Backdoor Survival daily at !  In addition,   and receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book .

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Shotguns: A Comprehensive Guide is the second firearms book in the PrepSmart series. This book covers the details of buying, owning, and shooting a shotgun.

Steve takes the reader from understanding the many differences between various models, old and new, to detailing chokes, barrels, and shot patterns. He covers essential topics such as cleaning, safety, and training. The information contained within is detailed, covering far more than just the firearm itself, leaving the reader confident in his/her plan to learn about the gun in a reasoned, logical way. Steve’s decades of experience and no-nonsense writing style makes this book a joy to read.

Complemented with many photographs, this is a must-have on the bookshelf of any firearms enthusiast.

Bargain Bin:  For your convenience, here is a list of all of the books in the current Backdoor Survival Prepper Book Festival as well as a link to the books mentioned by today’s author.

Prepper Book Festival 9 – Non-Fiction

Prepper Book Festival 9 – Fiction

Plus: The Preppers Guide to Food Storage

No list of books would be complete without my own book, .  The eBook is only 99 cent plus the print version is available for less than $6.00.


For over 25 years Emergency Essentials has been providing the highest quality preparedness products at great prices.  Plus, each month they feature sales that quite honestly are fantastic.

One of my favorite picks this month is the which is on sale for $17.99 for a #10 tin.  There are also some fantastic sales on MREs, fruit combos, and other Mountain House products.


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by Gaye Levy first appeared on .

Prepper Book Festival 9: Shotguns: A Comprehensive Guide + Giveaway

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